Thursday, January 12, 2012

Life as we knew it

So... Have you found Jesus? Today I was thinking about how when we were being raised there was some form of higher power we were encouraged to look up to. Whether it be God, Allah, Buddah, Shiva etc... We were taught to give some adoration to the holier than thou entities that were the eye in the sky. Growing up I learned a whole lotta speculation as to who God was. In my case being raised catholic, which then took a u-turn somewhere in 6th grade to Christianity, I was told a cornucopia of things regarding who God was. He's a jealous God, and someone to be feared however he's extremely loving but at the same time will judge you when the time comes. Confusing I know, but bear with me I got a lot to say. Personally I always believed that a God that created weed and the Jonas brothers had an immense amount of humor. I never believed that God ruled with a mighty sword made of fire and sat there waiting to punish us if we made a mistake. I've always relied my opinion of God strictly upon my gut feeling. I dug him and I had faith that he was tuning into my channel digging me.
I never really cared for church, or more like the idea of church. Huddling up in an incredibly hot building, being around a bunch of incredibly ostentatious people who love to talk about how incredibly awesome God is and compare the incredible amount of scriptures they can quote off the top of their head, which let's face it they probably studied their asses off just hoping to be a general in the Jesus army (it's okay to say asses, it's in the bible). These people man let me tell you.. we can spot them from a mile away. If there was a beauty pageant in heaven these peeps would take the cake. As soon as they open their mouth it's nothing but glorified bullshit. Everything is bad unless it's Christian and Jesus hates gay people. It's like trying to discuss basketball with a Lakers fan, in this case basketball being religion and Kobe Bryant being christianity. You can talk all you want about basketball but somehow Kobe's the best. Trying to hold a genuine conversation with these people is unrelenting and tiring because somehow it's all brought back to their religion. See, meeting people like this was really disheartening in regards to my faith in God. If God created these supposed disciples of His in his image, than what did that say about God? I started to see why it was so easy for people in general to hate all forms of deity. The very people that spread His word like the sacred butter that it is are the ones giving God a bad wrap. They are constantly force feeding their beliefs down our throats, which if they really thought about it isn't God's way at all.
Most prophet's or various gods of popular religions spoke in parables as to help people apply the words to their everyday lives. Jesus himself spoke in parables and never once forced himself upon anyone, a holy gentleman if you will. He never spoke directly about God it was always applied perspective. The Bible in general was worded by God however was interpreted by man, which we know that man is not perfect. So who's to say that most of the words in the Bible weren't somehow written with the influence of man. There is no way of course to know for sure so that's where the faith thing comes. We live by faith which for human beings nowadays is extremely difficult because we like to see what we invest in every week. Of course I have to admit I do believe God's out there, but whether or not I believe that he's batting for a certain religion I remain skeptical. Religion to me is a waste of time because it's loosely based off of it's master's teachings and slathered in the traditions of it's followers. To this day I believe religion is 1o% God and 90% tradition. I'm sure God didn't picture the world worshiping him simultaneously with the same drawn out mass and with the same drawn out dialogue. He created the theatre and music so forcing him to accept redundancy as form of offering is a bit of a slap in the face. I personally choose to admire God from within, because after all didn't he say that my body is the temple.
So, if you're looking for an answer to a life that's given you nothing but pain look to God and not a church. People will always tell you about their flavor of God and not about the assorted flavors. God is everywhere not just on a Sunday at 11:30 a.m., so go out there and find him. He doesn't hate anything except for the devil because let's face it every Batman needs their Joker. He doesn't expect you to know the bible because more than likely the version that's out there right now, he probably doesn't even know. If it's one thing that I've learned since I was kid is that we're given a life to make the best of, but if we can't go out there and live it than what's the point? I've made a ton of mistakes in my life and I'll continue until I'm six feet under. I'd like to think that at the end of my journey when everything is said and done I'll walk up to the pearly gates with a crap load of moral baggage and God will greet me there with a helping hand. As we begin our walk into eternity he'll look at me with comfort exuding from his every pore, and just as we're about to cross under the gates, he'll stop and say "I hope you like the Jonas brothers, because that's all we listen to up here". Lol Jesus.. LOL. Amen.

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